Looking back in 2020

Victoria Marcella Bahariawan
2 min readDec 31, 2020
source: pinterest

Some people say that 2020 was the worst year they’ve experienced. But for me it’s more likely a year full of a confusion. This year has a lot ups and downs and setback and of course there are blessings (in disguise) too.

It all started from the 1st month of 2020 when I lost my bestfriend, just 2 days right after my birthday. This is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced in 2020. Though death happens a lot in life, it’s never been easy to deal with that. But yeah, whatever happens, happens. We shouldn’t look back in anger, right? ;)

Afterwards, months spent with struggling to finish my thesis (in this damn pandemic, horrible). Looking back, everyday feels like a doomsday. But thank God, I made it. I graduated from ITB on October 2020, though it was only virtual celebration (due to covid-19). Of course, it wasn’t a very pleasant way to celebrate, but hey, let’s just focus on this big accomplishment, ok? Yay. *clappin*. As you know there’s always a positive side.

There’s a lot of adventures & excitement too this year. I climbed another mountain and camped out overnight with friends. Fun fact: we did this just a couple days BEFORE the thesis exam! Lmao. I’ve read John Muir once said:

“The mountains are calling and I must go.”

This is surprisingly true! Unconditional.

Week after thesis exam, I camped out again for one night. This time there’s a lot of my college friends joined in. We cooked together, BBQ, playing guitar, sing-along beside the warmth of a bonfire and close the day with stargazing. So happy.

The last couple of months I spent my time with family and of course with beloved high school friends. Coming up with a new project with bestie too. Whoa.

To sum, there’s so much things happened in 2020 which I can’t tell. But that’s my highlight of 2020!

As I wind down 2020, I thank 2020 for all the lessons and the experiences. It made me stronger. I’m so grateful. Lastly, I would like to wish you all a wonderful life ahead, and wish the pandemic will end soon.

Looking foward to 2021, let’s kickoff the new year together!

Happy new year 2021! 🥳

