Why are we supposed to say “It’s Okay” when it’s not?

Victoria Marcella Bahariawan
2 min readDec 16, 2020

Everytime you feel sad, angry, anxious or anything bad, some people start noticing them, they’d ask:
“Are u okay?”

And then the answer comes up with:
“Sure, it’s okay. I’m fine.”

I’m one of those people. This is happens most of the times on my life. I’m pretty sure that’s not just me doing that. Maybe it looks like you’re not being yourself, you faking it. But, no. We know that we supposed to answer certain things that have been asked, but that’s not the point.

We live in the society where we have to hide few personal things. To protect us, and others. Unload all of your burdens and million of thoughts going on in your head might hurt them too.

Feels like we don’t want hurt the other person because now they knew that we’re hurt. They might desperately wanna help us and they start to think “What am I supposed to do to make this person feel better?”. They worried about us. And ta-da. You both feel not so great right now.

Of course it might just turns out another way. Imagine you tell ‘wrong’ people all of your problem. You might be disappointed with their respond and end up with feeling more horrible than before. I’ve once told people what’s really going on and it end up made me feel like I overshared. Imagine the negative effects of oversharing and the regret you might feel afterward. Why am I like this. Why am I saying all of this unnecessary things..

Though, it really depends on who is asking and what the circumstances of the conversation really are. Well, you can tell your problem to the person you trust, but don’t put any expectation towards them.

Or, you can just simplify it, keep it all inside and say:

“It’s Okay”.

In the end, we have to deal with what is not okay and that’s pretty ok!

